Yesterday was day 75 of my challenge to write 100 words a day for 100 days.
I confess that I missed two days. Fortunately I’d build up a backlog of posts and so there has been at least one post daily.
I also confess that I’m not at all sure this is a challenge I’d like to repeat. I think the goal, while being specific – write 100 words a day for 100 days – is also too vague. I’m jumping around from topic to topic and there isn’t a consistency that might attract readers if I stuck to a single topic.
Still, reaching the three quarter mark is an achievement and the end is in sight.
Some numbers if you’re interested:
My average daily word count has started to fall, from a high average of 472 down to an average of 320 words per day over the last 25 days.
I’ve reached a total word count for this blog challenge of 28,827 words.
I had intended to also write 100,000 words towards my next novel last month. I failed abysmally. I didn’t even reach 5,000. That has to change. I need to reach a decent word count for August otherwise what am I doing?
On a positive note, I have a fairly substantial plot worked out for my next novel. Now I just need to fill in all that lovely detail…
It’s also worth having a look at where I’ve seen spikes in posts being viewed, mainly on the 18th, 25th and 31st July.
These spikes have been on or immediately after the following posts:
Lydia’s Song – an interview with author Katherine Blessan
Digging a trench for Pod Point Cabling and our new Nissan Leaf
All three posts were shared to relevant groups and the two connected to Katherine Blessan’s Lydia’s Song were part of a blog tour where we were all sharing each other’s posts.
Other than that I’m averaging 5 post views a day which just doesn’t justify the time it takes. But, blogging is a long game and part of the reason for setting myself this challenge was to give myself an outlet for writing on broader topics, and to provide a platform to market my novels.
This blog has already allowed me to share information which others have found useful and to build relationships with others in the writing community. Both valuable reasons to write a blog.
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