The cleaner is coming
The cleaner is coming
Unblock the drain and swab that stain.
The cleaner is coming
The cleaner is coming
Make those beds, don’t shake your heads!
The cleaner is coming
The cleaner is coming
Pick up those clothes and wipe your nose.
Tidy these papers, off of the bench.
Clear each surface, so they can dust.
The cleaner is coming
The cleaner is coming
Clear the hallway and wash those dishes!
Are all these yours? What now? What next!
Here, take to your room. I said now! Not soon…
The cleaner is coming
The cleaner is coming
And now
the house
is clean…
Remind me,
why is the cleaner coming?
100 words – A transformation
The goal I set myself
to write 100 words
a day
for 100 days
is one I share with you.
The power
of daily progress
be overestimated.
Brick by brick
the house is built.
Drop by drop
a lake is drained.
Small steps
towards your goal
will take you there.
Small steps
will train you,
will build discipline,
will give you a sense
of satisfaction,
will allow you
to gradually
take longer steps,
walk further each day,
run faster,
jump higher,
Not only has your goal been achieved
but you as a person
are transformed.
Will you join me
© Mark Anderson Smith 2017